Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Reducing our Dependance on Foreign Oil

In the day we live in there has been much discussion about reducing our dependance on sources of foreign oil. The topic is very deep and has put our counrty in a very difficult position.

By the US obtaining the majority of our oil from foreign fields we have put our own oil fields on reserve. We don't want to use them unless our foreign suppliers cannot deliver oil to us.

Our country has become so dependant not only on oil from outside sources but we have become dependant in many other areas as well. My point in this post is that our life in general has become more dependant on certain things and has become less dependant on the Source of all things.

We have become dependant upon health insurance and doctors to provide for every illness. We are becoming more and more dependant upon the government to provide to us all of life necesities. Many people want a government provided health care system. We already have a government provided retirement system called Social Security that is going down the drain.

The more and more we depend upon these things to take care of us and provide for our every need, the less we depend upon God to provide our every need.

Phillipians 4:19 says "God shall supply all your need..."

Have we become so dependant on foreign oil in our life that we have forgotten the one who can supply ALL our needs.

God, help me today to fully trust in you for all my needs. Help me not to become dependant on the things of this world. Help me to walk by faith, serving and trusting in you to supply my needs.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Another One Down

At work we have a special project going on where we have to monitor computers we have installed in trucks and we have to monitor them 24 hours a day. If one goes down it affects the whole operation and has to be handled quickly.

We are in the early stages of our project and development of this system and we have had some communication problems that have plauged us. The system has had times where all the computers have went down. We have these alerts sent to a couple of technicians who are on call 24/7, one of them just happens to be me.

There have been so many times now that the system has gone down I am not sure if it is a real alarm or not so we have become relaxed in our response to this.

Have we as Chriastians become relaxed in trying to save those who are fallen away from Christ? Has there been too many around us that have fallen and so now we have become so used to this that we can stand by and watch it happen and not even think twice about it?

We have to be so careful in our life to maintain a vigilant attitude while living for God. If we allow ourselves to grow cold are in a dangerous position. God can put is in the life of someone to help them with their struggles, but if we have grown relaxed we may not respond to someone in need when God would want us to.

I am reminded of a young man who recently quit coming to church. He was a young man with a passion for God. Always carrying his bible around and reading scripture. Going to the church and praying most days. But one day it was as if someone turned out the light switch. He stopped coming and grew cold.

I had the opportunity to get somewhat close to this young man and so I felt I could maybe talk with him and help. I have yet to be successful in helping him to be restored but I believe God has put me in a place where I can help him make his way back to God.

God, help me that my spirit would not grow cold and relaxed as I see others fall down. Help me to have the attitude of the good samaritan that I might do your will in helping others in need. That I would love my neighbor as myself and do my part to help others.

I understand that some will not want me to help and so those I will try and if I am rejected I will comtinue on in another place where you call me.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Take Time for God

I had a dream last night that I was with my family for some type of gathering. I think it was Christmas. We were sitting around and someone was making the comment that they wanted to serve God but could not because it was too hard.

In the dream it seemed like God used me to speak to them. I began to talk and everyones attention turned to me. The message was this.

"The biggest problem we have today is that we do not spend time with God. We spend time with our family's, although that is not much anymore either. We spend time doing things we want to do, but our time spent with God is very little if at all."

After I spoke I was somewhere by myself and I just became convicted of what I had said to them. I realized that my life too was full of all other kinds of activities and I do not make enough time to spend with God. I began to cry out to God in my conviction and I woke up with the same heavy heart.

In our day and time God truly is calling people everywhere to spend more time in prayer, more time reading his word, and more time thinking on the things of God.

To have a health body they teach us that we need to exercise on a regular basis, several times a week. Maybe for us to have a healthy spiritual life we need to exercise it in prayer and in reading Gods word.

I got my wakeup call last night, have you gotten yours?

Sunday, September 17, 2006

What a Way to Start Your Day

Jesus after performing some of his very first miracles worked in the evening time healing people. Then we see a glimpse of how the annointed Son of The Living God started his mornings. No doubt he received new strength and inspiration each day by allowing time each morning to pray and spend time all alone.

What a way to start out your day.

Maybe more thoughts later...

Mark 1:35-38

35 And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. 36 And Simon and they that were with him followed after him. 37 And when they had found him, they said unto him, All men seek for thee. 38 And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Asleep or Dead?

Recently I was talking with a relative and the subject came up about horses. I had seen a baby horse laying on the ground and wondered if it was dead. The horse was just lying there on the ground not moving and another horse, presumably the mother, standing next to it.

The mother horse will stand next to the newborn horse and nudge it every once in a while until the baby moves around a bit. This is a signal to the mother that the baby is not dead but mearly asleep.

It's ok for the newborn to sleep and get it's rest but the mother wants to make sure that the baby is not dead.

What a beautiful picture of the newborn child of God. The mother is the church and the father is God. Sometimes the church needs to check on the newborn children and make sure they are not dead, but mearly sleeping or resting.

I am reminded of a story of some men trying to make there way to safety through some very cold and treacherous mountains. The leader of the men knew that if he let the other men sleep too long, or if they all went to sleep they would never wake again. Knowing this the leader allowed the men to sleep for a few minutes, woke them up and told them they had slept for half and hour and made them move on. This saved the mens lives and encouraged them to continue on the journey to safety.

Lord in my life let me rest for a while when my weary soul needs rest but don't let me fall asleep spiritually never to wake again. Nudge me every once in a while, make me uncomfortable that my soul may rest but no fall asleep spiritually never to awake.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Next Generation

When God promised Abraham the land of Cannan He said Abrahams 4th generation would come back to possess the land. From that time until the 4th generation came into the land of Cannan Abrahams seed would go through bondage in Egypt, The Red Sea, and The Wilderness. One generation would serve the Lord and another would not.

I was listening to the radio today as I drove home from work and heard a women talking about a study she had done about the youth in our country. It as amazing to hear that the third generation of families who had immigrated to the United States had higher high school drop out rates, higher gang involvement, and higher teen pregnacy rates than others. Families that came to the US searching for a better life for their family wanting to experience the freedoms that we enjoy and wanting to give there children so much more than they had.

But the third generation of those people do not have the vision that the parents had. The third generation lost the vision of their forefathers and has turned away from the dream of a better life.

Saddly today so many Christians have lost the vision that there parents had for them. They are turning away from living their life for God and turning to a life of sin.

But, God is looking for a generation that will stand up and take on the giants in the land. A generation that will answer the call. A Generation that will stand in the gap and reach out to a lost and dying world.

Just a Fishin

Lately I jave been praying for the Lord to help me to be a better witness and to help me to understand how he can transform someone into a useful servant. Like many people, I have struggled with witnessing. What is the best way to witness, what is really effective? I have asked myself many times. Who, When, Where, How?

At work today I had a thought that occured to me and a scripture to go along with it. When Jesus found the disciples and called them he told them he would make them to be fishers of men. These men were proffessional fisherman and knew the trade well. I think it is very interesting that Jesus used this example when describing what he was going to do with their life.

He didn't give an hours long presentation on what he would do for them be simply told them he was going to make them fishers of men. Fishing hasn't changed a whole lot in the course of history so it stands as a very good example for us to learn from.

I have fished before but I am not an avid fisherman. But I know one thing from my fishing experiences is that if you are using a fishing pole and a hook with bait you may be sitting for hours waiting for a bite or nibble. The best time I had fishing was in New Mexico using a lewer and trolling for bass. But still a whole days work brought me 3-4 fish. But these men knew how to bring them in by the boat load. They simply used a net.

Using a pole requires you to entice the fish by offering them something that they are attracted to. This draws them in but it is slow. But with the net and a boat the disciples just threw their nets into the water and hauled in hundreds of fish at one time. No enticing, no bait, no lewers, just forcefully hauled in the fish. They had to get the fish into the net and then get the fish out of their environment (the water) and into the boat. The fish would be of no use if they left them in the water inside the net.

Jesus teach this generation to be fishers of men. At a time when the workd needs it most God is looking for a generation who is willing to learn and become fishers of men.

Mark 1:17

The life of a fish:
The fisherman pulled the fish from their environment to use them as food. Fish do not realize it but their sole purpose for existence is to be used as a source of food in the food chain. They were just swimming around and all of the sudden they were pulled from their environment, cooked, and eaten.

As we swim around in life we most often do not really know what our purpose is in this life. We all ask ourself the great questions of life. Who am I, where did I come from, what is my purpose, and where am I going after this life. Bu oh how I wished God would teach us how to become fishers of men. Then we could use a God given net to bring in the fish by the hundreds and bring people into the place and purpose that God has intended for their life. No not for them to be eaten like fish but for them to be pulled from the depths of sin an brought into his marvelous light.

Fish live in the deep dark merky waters but when they are caught, cleaned, and processed they make an excellent food source and supply a great need to mankind. Jesus, Teach us today to become fishers of men. Teach us how to use a net to bring in the masses. Teach us and equip us in this day and time to be great fishers of men.

John 21:1-14

Sunday, April 23, 2006

David & Goliath - Remembering the Past to Build a Future

While David ran for his life he found something that brought back sweet memories of a victory he had almost fogotten about. A giant he had defeated in his life years before. God brought him to the place where he remembered the victory when he needed strength in his current trial.

I Samuel 21:9
I Samuel 22:10

Another interesting point about this story that I have thought of is the soldiers who would not face the giant. Trained professional soldiers would hide when the giant came out onto the battlefield. As I look at my life and reflect I can see me being more in this group than being the David of the hour. Most of us would fit into that group but we should all strive to become like David and come out from behind our fear and hiding.

We all want to look at David as an example of how we should live for God, fearless and full of faith in God. But the soldiers show us the other side that so many of us fit into. The fearful and those with little faith.

God is looking for a generation that will stand up when everyone else is hiding out. A generation that will stand up to the giant and come out from their hiding.

Friday, April 21, 2006

If God Can Use a Donkey

If God Can use a Donkey he can use me:

Numbers 22:21-30
2 Peter 2:16

Friday, March 31, 2006

Living on the Edge

The last month or so I have seen both pheasants and Ducks near the highway as I drive to work each day. This is kind of unusual since most birds are scared away by the noise of vehicles buzzing by at 70 mph.

I have seen them right on the shoulder of the road as I would pass by. I think everytime I go by that these birds sure are bold. But now I know the truth. They were just living on the edge in search for something to eat. Possibly food has been scarce this winter since it has been so dry and barren. Anyway I know this because now I am seeing them dead on the side of the road after being hit by a car. To put it simple they were Living on the Edge, literally.

Something drove them to the point that caused them to ignore their built in danger sensors and put their life on the line. Most likely it was their hunger that led them to this point.

I have never had to starve or be without food in all my life. I don't know what it is like to be so hungry that you would risk your life just to eat. But there are people everyday in our world that face this issue.

What brought them to this place? Well, maybe it was poverty, maybe it is the country they live in but whatever the situation it is very real and very tragic.

Now as usual with my thoughts that I post here I like to tie my thoughts to our spiritual life. The life that we as Christians live in obedience to the Word of God.

Spiritually in our world today people are starving. They are not getting enough spiritual food to support their spiritual life. People are starving for something that will satisfy their life, longing for something to fill their heart with happiness and joy. When they cannot find it they begin to take unusual risks in order to try and fill that empty place in their life.

unfortunately some of these people go so far that they end up dyeing after they have strayed to far and ignored the warning signs too long. They become willing to take the most risky chances all in the hopes that they will finally be satisfied and the emptiness inside them will be filled.

Just like the birds I seen we to tend to take chances in this life all in the name of finding that one thing that will finally fill the emptiness and put and end to the hunger that we feel.

Oh God, help me today to really understand that you are the only one who can satisfy the hunger within my heart. Help me to understand that only your Spirit can satisfy the longings of my heart. Help me to not stray from your watchful and protective eye. Let me always trust in you to provide for me. Help me to never let the instinct inside me to override the warning signs that would keep me away from spiritual danger. Oh Lord, I pray that you would fill me with your Love, Strength, and Power that I might always be full and never hunger or thirst again. Amen.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Just Keep Plowing

I have been going through a time at work where a project has turned into a long term task. It has also challenged me in many areas of my abilities. As I sit here today and come to some more hurdels I am understanding alot about life.

When I started this project I was excited about it and very eager to work on it every day. Now that time has gone on and some issues have become difficult I am not as exceited as I once was. I have come to a place where I want to finish but I know much work still lies ahead for me. When I think of this I can become overwhelmed and want to quit.

When we are fresh and brand new with energy and ready to complete something it is the excitement that keeps us going. It drives us and motivates us to accomplish the task at hand. However when we loose the excitement we loose our drive and our desire to complete the task.

I grew up working on a farm and I remember plowing the fields. When we started out the ground was hard and rough. After the plow dug in and began to work the soil would become softer and easier to work with. I have thought about that and it has given me hope.

As I plow through the fields of life the ground can be hard at first but once I get into the work and begin to plow the ground becomes softer and easier to work with. Not immediatly and only after I have worked hard but the soil does become easier to work with. So life becomes easier as we go through things. But there will always be the new field that needs to be plowed. When we start it is going to be rough and hard at first but after much work we can see the progress we have made.

We can even feel this way in our life when we serve God. We are excited at first but then it becomes work and we want to quit. But if we want to succeed we must keep plowing.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

When I don't Understand

There are many times in my life where I didn't understand something. Whether it is something at my job or when I am working on a project at home. This can be very frustrating sometimes, especially when it is an important project I am working on.

I have seen this appear in my walk with God as well. There are many things I don't understand about God. Many of our greatest questions for God sometimes seem to go un-answered. Sometimes we have all questioned God and wondered why a particular problem or issue is not addressed by God in a way that leaves us clear in our mind. These are things we must address in our life if we are going to be successful at anything.

I am reminded of a large project that I have been working on for over a year at work. Some of the issues that need to be solved in order to complete the project are not understood very well by myself. But I have found that working through these issues and allowing time to work on my side I have eventually understood and was able to complete portions of the project with a fair amount of success. But the issues were very difficult at the time and I could have given up and moved on to another job, however I would have missed out on the accomplishments and knowledge I have gained.

I want to allow this process and this attitude spill over into my walk with God. None of the disciples were perfect and it took time and many processes before they came into a polished state of their life. They could have walked away, but they would have walked away from the opportunity of a lifetime too.

God, teach me to trust you in all my ways. Teach me to lean on you instead of my own understanding. Help me when I do not understand your word or your ways. Help me to keep the faith in you so that I can be molded and made into a true child of God.

Job 23:1-12

1 Then Job answered and said, 2 Even to day is my complaint bitter: my stroke is heavier than my groaning. 3 Oh that I knew where I might find him! that I might come even to his seat! 4 I would order my cause before him, and fill my mouth with arguments. 5 I would know the words which he would answer me, and understand what he would say unto me. 6 Will he plead against me with his great power? No; but he would put strength in me. 7 There the righteous might dispute with him; so should I be delivered for ever from my judge.
8 Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive him: 9 On the left hand, where he doth work, but I cannot behold him: he hideth himself on the right hand, that I cannot see him: 10 But he knoweth the way that I take: when he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. 11 My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined. 12 Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Being Content

Being Content in the state our life is in can cause us to become un-productive. When a person becomes so content in one state of their life it becomes almost impossible for them to ever overcome and acheive anything above normal.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

In the Valley or on the Mountain top

As Christians we hear allot about being "In The Valley" or in other words going through a trial. We also hear allot about "Being on the Mountain Top" or rather being victorious over something in our lives that we may have been struggling with. However not much thought is giving to the trip from the valley to the mountaintop.

I have been on a few hiking and camping trips but one in particular I remember was in Colorado with a friend several years ago. We drove up from Texas one evening and arrived at the base of the mountain late that night. We had planned on sleeping in the car the remainder of the night and then hiking up early the next morning.

One thing we didn't realize was that the temperature was going to be so cold that night. My friend had a blazer 4x4 and so we put down the back seat and slept in the back. That night got extremely cold. We ran the car off and on to try and stay warm. This reminds me of our times in that Valley. We are at the base of the mountain and sometimes it seems very cold and dark in our life.

Not only was it cold that night but the next day was cold as well. The sun came out and provided a little heat but as we prepared for the trek up the mountain I realized that it wasn't going to be as fun as I had imagined. We both packed everything we had into our backpacks and then tied anything else we had onto our backs. We were planning on staying up there for a few days so we needed several supplies.

After we were loaded down with a good 75 pounds each on our backs we began our march up that mountain. The path started out easy but got steeper as the morning went on. Then as we neared our campsite the path became rougher and steeper. Rocks became more jagged and our chance of being hurt or injured became more apparent. Not only was the path rough and steep but we had a heavy burden on our backs to add to it.

When it seemed like there was never going to be an end to our journey it seemed like out of nowhere a beautiful meadow appeared. Finally we had arrived to the top of the mountain. The scene was magnificent. A small stream ran through the middle of the meadow and it was near this stream that we set up our campsite.

Finally, we had achieved our goal and we had reached our destination. We spent a few hours setting up camp and getting ready for our stay there. Since the nights would be very cold we had brought extra clothes and very good sleeping bags with us. Our few days there was refreshing and exciting. I'll never forget how cold the nights were, but I will also never forget how it felt to finally reach the mountaintop after a long, hard journey.

When we are in a valley in our life I want to always be prepared for the tough journey up the path of the mountain. Victory will come but only after much preparation and hard work along the pathway of life.

The next time I hear someone talking about the Valley or the Mountain Top I will also remember what it takes to get to the mountaintop. I don't want to get discouraged and not even attempt the journey because then I will miss out on all the beauty and splendor that God has for me up on the Mountain Top.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Salvation or Destruction

When God saved Noah and his family from the flood it was the very thing God used to destroy the people and the sin that saved Noah and his family, the water.

However without the arc seperating them from the water they no doubt would have been destroyed as well. But God sometimes will use the same thing that destroys something in our lives to be our means of being saved.

1 Peter 3:20-2120 ...when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.21 The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ:

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Stop and Check Your Progress

I have to work today but i had a thought come to me while we were installing an anteanna for a wireless network in one of our buildings. The guy helping me was drilling some holes into the concrete to mount the pole to the building. After he drilled the holes he was going to put a special bolt into the hole that would grab a hold to the contrete and allow us to bolt the pole down.

But as he was drilling the hole he would drill for a few minutes and then stop, hold his finger on the spot on the drill bit, then pull the drill bit out. He could then measure to see if the drill bit had gone far enough into the concrete for the bolt to fit all the way in. It was hard to drill into the concrete and went rather slow for each hole. But everytime he would stop and check his progress he was making sure he didn't go to far.

When we live for God and we begin to work for him sometimes we wonder if we are getting anywhere and it seems that nothing is happening. Then sometimes we just quit and give up. But this encouraged me to try something. When I begin to do something for God, anything, I want to make some kind of mark when I start. Something I can go back to for reference later on to check my progress. If I am gonna accomplish anything for God I gotta start the work, be consistent, stop and check my progress every once in a while, stop and rest when I get tired, and remember part of the reason I an checking my progress is to make sure I don't go to far with what I am doing.

We can over do something just as much as we can under do it. So I want to keep these things in mind and just stop every once in a while and check my progress.

Hammer Time

Last night we went to a joint youth service with another church and had an awesome youth service. There was a young man that brought some things he thought where holding him back in his walk with God. He brought a couple of vcr tapes and some music cd's. The youth pastor had started this after preaching a message about getting rid of things in your life that hinder your walk with God. He got a hammer and let the young man destroy the vcr tapes and cd's during the service. It was a truly amazing experience to see this young man go to such lengths to live for God. God blessed and poured out his spirit in the service. What an awesome sight to see.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


A few years ago the job I had required me to travel to Austin Tx several times a year. Each trip I had to fly down and stay for the whole week. This was hard for me and my family so I always looked forward to the trip home.

One trip I remember in particular because of the flight home. I was already nervous on this flight because of the weather and when we were landing it was very foggy. Usually you could see the lights of Amarillo long before you landed. This time you could not see anything. As we began to descend and come in for a landing you still could not see anything and just before we landed we cleared the fog and could see the runway and lights. What an amazing landing. I do not know how the pilot performed this blind landing but he did it without flaw.

I was so glad to see the lights of home, the airport, and all the familiar surroundings. But not nearly as glad as I was when I stepped out of the airplane and began to look for my family. I was glad to see everything but when I seen my family I was the happiest person alive at that moment.

Yes on that flight I was looking to see the lights of home. I was looking to see that familiar airport and runway. Yes I was looking to step off of that plane and know my way around the airport. But the most important thing I wanted to see was my wife and kids.

It seems as though my life is merely an extended visit to a place that is not really my home. Just a place where I have to be for a short period of time. One day the time will arrive and it will be time to board the flight home. At my home the gate is made of pearls, the walls of my home are beautiful jasper, and the street leading up to my house is made of pure gold. Oh, it is a beautiful place and I can't wait to get there. But not to see all these things, there is only one person I want to see and that is Jesus.

So a few more days here but soon the time will come the flight will leave and I will be ready to head home.

There is an old song that says: "All the gold you could put there won't make it heaven for me... It's Jesus that I want to see"

Spiritual Dehydration

Here lately the air has been so dry and everyone I know has had severe dry skin, myself included. I was thinking about dehydration and started reading about it trying to learn more about it. That is when the thought occured to me that we can become spiritually dehydrated. The bible refers to the Spirit of God as the rivers of living water. If we do not drink plenty of water we can become dehydrated and then we begin to experience the symptoms of dehydration. I found it very interesting from a spiritual point of view when I read about the symptoms of dehydration.

Here are a few of them I found. Think of these from a spiritual perspective instead of the natural perspective:

Increased thirst
Dry mouth and swollen tongue
Palpitations (feeling that the heart is jumping or pounding)
Sluggishness, even fainting
Inability to sweat

If you begin to feel these things in your spiritual walk with God you may be dehydrated. The only way to cure dehydration is to drink plenty of water. God's word tells us to draw water from the wells of salvation with joy.

Do you need a spiritaul drink to refresh you. When I was reading I found it interesting that water is the best thing to drink for your body. Coke, Pepsi, or anything else does not do what water will do for your body. Sometimes we want to drink alot of different stuff in life but there is only one thing that will cure you of spiritual dehydration and that is the Spirit of God.


This is my place to post thoughts I have that I want to remember. I will post thoughts here as a place to store them and maybe they will help or encourage someone else as life goes on.